Jun 072016

The front page article of the Metropolitan section of the New York Times on Sunday, June 5 was an article by columnist Ginia Bellafante titled “Can the Big Apple Circus Be Saved.” (Click here to read the column.) In her column, Ms. Bellafante refers to a bagel advertisement that I showed her during a meeting at the […]

Apr 222016

Although I don’t frequently step into the ring with my red suit and top hat anymore, I’m finding myself behind a podium more and more. In the past year I’ve been invited to play host to many events and ceremonies, including the New York Landmarks Conservancy’s Living Landmarks Gala, which I’ve written about before. This […]

Apr 052014

I had the great pleasure of being invited to attend the opening night performance of Bello Nock’s new show BELLO MANIA at the always delightful New Victory Theater. Bello is a brilliant, internationally renowned clown and “daredevil.” He’s also a great friend. I had the pleasure of working with him at the BIG APPLE CIRCUS […]

Oct 252013

       I’m gearing up for two exciting events. The first is Sunday, October 27 at 11:00AM on the penthouse floor of the Westmont (730 Columbus Ave). I’ll be doing a reading and book signing for my memoir Never Quote the Weather to a Sea Lion (and other uncommon tales from the founder of the Big Apple […]

Oct 082013

One of my greatest joys as a performer in the Big Apple Circus was being able to experience the audience’s reaction. Whether it’s seeing the excitement of a clown moment light up a child’s eyes, or hearing a great big roar of laughter from the crowd, I’ve always found immeasurable happiness in those moments. Around […]