Nov 252014

This past weekend was the annual Big Apple Circus Family Benefit. It’s a terrific event where supporters of our not-for-profit circus get to see the year’s show and interact with the performers. Before the performance of Metamorphosis kids were invited to join Clown Care Unit members in the reception tent where they get to learn […]

Nov 072014

I’m thrilled that the Big Apple Circus‘s new show “Metamorphosis” received an amazing review in the New York Times. The review (“Contortions, Clowning and Confetti”) had wonderful things to say about both the production and the company. “You could say this impressive production starts modestly, only to spread its wings and soar.” “This company, now in its […]

Nov 052014

We’ve had dromedary camels at the Big Apple Circus before. They’re amazing looking animals. They’re called the “ship of the desert,” and the truth is they’re very unusual looking. They have thick wooly fur, long eyelashes, and humps of fat. Yes, fat. And they can store four days worth of water. They’re also funny looking. […]