Oct 252013

       I’m gearing up for two exciting events. The first is Sunday, October 27 at 11:00AM on the penthouse floor of the Westmont (730 Columbus Ave). I’ll be doing a reading and book signing for my memoir Never Quote the Weather to a Sea Lion (and other uncommon tales from the founder of the Big Apple Circus).

       On Tuesday October 29 I’ll be attending the Big Apple Circus Gala Dinner at the big top in Lincoln Center. The dinner, which is open to the public (buy tickets here), is a tribute to Michael Christensen.  Michael is my old friend and colleague, founder of the Clown Care Unit and fellow Founder of the Big Apple Circus. I have an infinite number of kind words to say about him, but there isn’t nearly enough space on this blog for all that! Instead, I will simply say that I am very excited to honor him with the other members of the beloved BAC family.

Paul and Michael in their earlier juggling days

Paul and Michael in their earlier juggling days

I hope you can join me at one (or both!) of these events.






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